Andrew Cuomo’s Flawed Liberalism – The Daily Beast

Cuomo, himself, is a perfect symbol of the transition of American liberalism from an ideology focused on the standing of working people to one based on issues of social and cultural freedom that do not interfere with anyone’s ability to make money hand over fist without paying too much of it in taxes.”

Ryan Renell
Twitter: @cs_underground

Commander in Chief golfs away Memorial Day


“The job of Commander in Chief is not fulfilled by checking a block on the one day a year we honor those all our Presidents, this loser included, have sent to war and who died.”

And to this I ask, what if Bush did it?

Ryan Renell

Twitter: @cs_underground

Reviving American Manufacturing with Low-Carbon Innovation

From Think Progress:

Our nation’s innovation and competitive drive in the 20th century powered the U.S. economy to global leadership, helped win two World Wars and one Cold War, created unprecedented and broad-based economic prosperity, and established the technology that enabled the conquest of the moon and today’s Information Age. Today, this same engine of innovation is in serious jeopardy as we look across the competitive landscape of the 21st century.”

Obama’s Imperial Presidency

“In some areas, “44” has gone even further than “43.” Bush claimed “inherent power” to attack other countries at will, but never fought a war without congressional authorization.”

Ryan Renell

Twitter: @cs_underground

Talk Radio Ratings Scandal?

From The Corner:

“….misleading reports of conservative talk-radio’s declining ratings could be the direct result of political squeezing of the private ratings system by congressional Democrats.”

Ryan Renell

Twitter: @cs_underground

Heritage: Allen West Speech on 21st Century Battlefield

Ryan Renell
Twitter: @cs_underground

Barack Obama Finds Solid Ground, High Approval Ratings, White House Confident About Reelection

The puppets at the Puffington Host must have received the go signal from the regime…

Ryan Renell

Twitter: @cs_underground

The Truth About Taxes and Redistribution

The New Axis of Evil #tcot

Hat tip: Big Government-

The nearly two years of corruption, plunder, and economic destruction—combined with the mockery of the American people and vilification of the private sector—has crystallized for many a realization of a home grown threat more destructive and imminently dangerous to America than any of the substantial external threats we faced over the last century.”

-Ryan Renell

Twitter: @cs_underground

Obama Praises Bush’s Economic Policies on Daily Show

"…within two minutes, Obama takes credit for the Bush policies that he deceitfully suggests were effective and also blames Bush's policies for the terrible state of the economy."

Ryan Renell

Twitter: @cs_underground